In order to offer you an excellent service available online, we have put together frequently asked questions (FAQ) from our clients so as to answer them and make your visit much more interesting and meaningful.
How do I order a project OR get a project writer in Nigeria
You will get the complete project materials by calling 09024640145 or 09036295530 or send an e-mail to, the payment account will be sent to you immediately. You will receive the complete project materials in your inbox within 15 minutes of payment confirmation with us. A new project write up order will be delivered on time as agreed.
How Will My Payment be confirmed?
Whether you make a bank deposit, Online Transfers or ATM transfers, Your details will reflect in our bank statements and alerts from our bankers. Name used as DEPOSITOR NAME for bank deposits are used to verify and confirm your payment. Online Transfers reflect Account Name of the Sender. This will also be used to verify and confirm payments made online. Locations will be used to verify and Confirm ATM transfers.
One of your topics suites my project, but the case study is different. What do i do?
Students are advised from time to time not to copy our materials word for word and are always advised to use the material as a guide. Nevertheless, if you have a different case study, you may need to consult one of our expert project writers to assist you with that. Depending on similarity of the organization/establishment you may modify if you wish.
How long does it take to get the complete project?
Depending on how fast your payment is acknowledged by us, you will receive the complete project material(s) in your inbox (Microsoft Word format) as an attachment you can easily download within 15-30 minutes after confirmation of your payment.
How can I trust this site?
As good citizens of Nigeria, we are well aware of fraudulent activities that have been happening on the internet. It is condemnable, but we hope such activities will continue to reduce going by the efforts of the government. Nevertheless, we wish to assure our esteemed clients that we are genuine and duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of the republic of Nigeria. Free and quality chapter 1 write up is always given on the site to show to you that we got the material and have the human resources to give you a professionally written project/thesis/dissertation. You can also check out our social media platforms to see what our happy and satisfied clients have to say
Do you accept ATM payments and Online Transfers?
Yes we do. We accept ATM transfers and online payments. These payments carry your account name and number, so it’s easy for us to know it is your payment in-order to send your project material(s) to you.
I have a new/fresh Topic that is not listed on your site. How do I go about it?
We have got professional project writers with years of experience in most departments. If you have a new/fresh topic, just click here to fill the form and one of our project writers will contact you shortly.
Is it a complete research project or just materials?
Yes it is a complete research project material(s). We send complete project materials (i.e. chapters 1-5, abstract, complete references, questionnaires/secondary data to your email address.