Typically, research customers have input on both the selection of the research’s subject and the formulation of the study’s goals. Most of the time, these goals will center on fixing issues that the customers have identified as crucial.
Stakeholders’ interests and challenges (as they identify them) are not likely to be studied if some groups are excluded from the study client pool (especially the socially disadvantaged). As a result, this will change the research’s goals, methodology, and conclusions. As a result, certain individuals and their concerns could be left out of the cycle of study and practice. This is possible even when individual studies use seemingly reliable and impartial research methods.
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Participatory research techniques are among the many approaches that do acknowledge the connection between study and the dissemination of knowledge and progress in society. They make an effort to include a wide range of stakeholders (and especially marginalized populations) in articulating research questions and guiding the analysis of results. Participatory research is an inherent aspect of a participatory development process since it facilitates stakeholder consensus on information related to issues and their solutions.
Customers (often the research funders) have a crucial role in guiding the study agenda, methodology, and results. As a result, researchers may not be able to prioritize topics based on their own judgment, but rather on what the customer is ready to pay for. The client-researcher dynamic is important to keep in mind while analyzing research results. Clients and researchers alike may have an incentive to influence the findings and present them in a persuasive manner. A customer may order a study to prove that the pesticide their firm produces is superior to that of a competitor. Under the parameters of the experiment, the findings may prove that their pesticide is superior to the one used by the competition. However, can these findings be relied upon, and can the pesticides show consistent performance throughout tests?